Welcome to Ewpple Income For Life Blog
This blog is a comprehensive guide on
How to generate passive & progressive (ie. inflation adjusted) monthly income for life via affordable financial investment.
I'm currently a licensed broker in Singapore with 30 years of working experience in the financial investment industry.
Throughout the years, I have come across multiple cases of frustration & even huge financial loss due to incorrect investment mentality & strategy.
Welcome to Ewpple Income For Life Blog
This blog is a comprehensive guide on
How to generate passive & progressive (ie. inflation adjusted) monthly income for life via affordable financial investment.
I'm currently a licensed broker in Singapore with 30 years of working experience in the financial investment industry.
Throughout the years, I have come across multiple cases of frustration & even huge financial loss due to incorrect investment mentality & strategy.
Investors should not be looking towards becoming instant millionaires.
But rather, to build a retirement nest sufficient for themselves & their loved ones.
Thus, I have compile & organize my working knowledge plus client experience into a comprehensive & easy to follow guide for the investors at large.
You can draw monthly income for the rest of your life passively without working at all.
We're talking about income sufficient for monthly expenses & inflation adjusted over the years.
By A) Saving only couple hundreds of USD every month during working life,
Or B) Deposit a very affordable lump sum upon the start of the retirement period.
How much is enough for retirement /children education /property purchase etc?
What is the low risk way to accumulate such amount?
Problem | Many adult have insufficient retirement saving despite working hard the entire life.
Solution | To instill monthly saving discipline on a systematic plan that focus on retirement income generation.
Problem | Retirement saving unable to last due to low bank deposit interest.
Solution | Effective & back tested portfolio with ability to generate average 7% to 9% compound interest return.
Problem | No knowledge to execute investment plan.
Solution | Comprehensive guide on how to build & execute.
Determine your monthly expenses amount, investment period (current age to retirement age) & withdrawal period (retirement age to life expectancy age).
Invest in a fund portfolio that generate 7% to 9% return per year.
Determine the monthly investment amount & invest accordingly.
During withdrawal period, sell portfolio partially according to inflation adjusted monthly expenses amount.
Use the sales proceeds for retirement /education /other etc needs.
In the coming blog post, we will cover the details & calculation of the above action plan.
Question | What have you done to plan for your retirement or children's education needs?
You will NOT make any money by merely reading this blog. You need to take action.
If you have no satisfactory answer for the above question, please feel free to contact me at ewppleblog@outlook.com.
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